Well…secara tiba-tiba dah jadi emak orang after bini orang. My baby was born on 3rd May 2007 at 4.30pm…after 12 hours in labour room (phew..!!). She was 3.14 kg then, now is 6 kg. We name her Nureen Aishah. The name Aishah is actually after my late mother. So we just add Nureen kat depan (hehehe). Simple je nama dia kan? Tapi (I know we shouldn’t start sentence with ‘tapi’….tapi nak jugak!), it took us months nak cari sepatah perkataan kat depan tu. Barulah tau rupanya payah nak cari nama nie…or we’re not creative enuff kot…
I will let the pictures below tell the rest of the story….